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STRAGO International supports (s) the Sustainable Development Goals

At STRAGO we are committed to supporting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as part of our mission to create a more sustainable and equitable world for all. We recognize that the SDGs are critical to achieving a brighter future for our planet and its people, and we are dedicated to doing our part to support them.


We have chosen to focus on several key SDGs, including:


  • Decent Work and Economic Growth: We believe everyone deserves access to safe and fulfilling work, and we are committed to creating job opportunities that support economic growth and improve the well-being of our employees and the communities we serve.


  • Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure: We recognize the importance of innovation and infrastructure in driving sustainable economic growth and supporting the needs of our customers and communities. We are dedicated to investing in new technologies and processes that improve our products and services and enhance the sustainability of our operations.


  • Responsible Production and Consumption: Responsible production and consumption are critical to achieving a sustainable future. We are committed to reducing our environmental impact through sustainable sourcing, waste reduction, and energy efficiency, and we are dedicated to promoting sustainable consumption practices among our customers and stakeholders.


  • Partnerships for Goals: We recognize that achieving the SDGs will require collaboration and cooperation among all sectors of society. We are committed to working with our customers, suppliers, employees, and stakeholders to identify opportunities for collective action and leverage our collective resources to achieve our sustainability goals.


  • Gender Equality: We believe gender equality is essential to achieving a sustainable and equitable future for all. We are dedicated to promoting diversity and inclusion in our workplace and supporting initiatives that promote gender equality in our communities.





We are taking several steps to support these goals, including:


  • Investing in training and development programs that support our employees' professional growth and well-being.

  • We are implementing sustainable sourcing and production practices that reduce our environmental impact and promote responsible consumption.

  • We are developing new technologies and processes that enhance the sustainability of our products and services.

  • We are partnering with like-minded organizations to identify opportunities for collective action and leverage our collective resources to achieve our sustainability goals.

  • We are promoting diversity and inclusion in our workplace and supporting initiatives that promote gender equality in our communities.


At STRAGO, we believe that sustainable business practices are essential to achieving a brighter future for our planet and its people. We are committed to supporting the SDGs and driving positive change. We invite our customers, suppliers, employees, and stakeholders to join us on this journey towards a more sustainable and equitable future.

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